Rosenstadt is back in the house to tap another Firkin. This time, it’s of their Bockbier!
This is the first tapping of this keg!
They will also be handing out some awesome glassware to the first few lucky customers. So get here early and get ready to cheers!
Alongside the cask of Bockbier, we will have Rosenstadt Gold Export Lager on draft as well.
Bock - A dark Bock beer, robust in more than one way; just right for, what Germans call, the “Starkbierzeit” (strong beer time). This Bock has a smooth maltiness reminiscent of rich chocolate and the dark crust of a rustic country bread. Layered on this are dark stone fruit flavors and the clean herbal spiciness of a mix of hops from the Hallertau in Bavaria and the Czech Republic.
7.2% ABV
Gold - Brewed in the Dortmund style – robust, malt-forward, and balanced, with just enough noble hops on hand to finish crisp and dry. Imported Heirloom malt gives Export Gold a uniquely sweet and bready malt character.
6.0% ABV