12 Breweries - 10 Stops - 4 Paws - 1 Cause
This super unique and awesome pub crawl is returning for its second year and Belmont Station is a stop along the way!
Bring you and your pup down on Saturday July 8th for some specially brewed beers, ciders and raffles featuring some amazing prizes.
This year is bigger than ever featuring very limited releases from participants such as APRCH, Ft. George, Reuben's Brews, Breakside, Sunriver, Bauman's Cider, Gigantic, Bale Breaker, Ecliptic, June Shine, Buoy & Zoiglhaus.
Want to make a stop along the Pup Crawl before or after here? You can get the full map at pupcrawlpdx
The Pup Crawl is always a charitable event. Last time, this event benefited Pixie Project. This year they have teamed up with PAW Team. This is an organization dedicated to saving lives, alleviating suffering, and keeping pets and people together by providing veterinary care to the pets of individuals experiencing houselessness or extreme poverty.
Draft List:
Ft. George - Barks n Rec Season 2 - Pale ale
Reuben's Brews - Gose Lay Down - Gose
Breakside - Paisley Pils - Pilsner
Sunriver - LucyVision - IPA
Bauman's Cider - Dog Days Of Summer - Cider
Gigantic - Dawg Daze O' Summer - Summer IPA
Bale Breaker - Puppers Paradise - Hazy pale ale
Ecliptic - Boomer IPA - IPA
APRCH// - Puppy Punch - Fruit punch wellness beverage 0.0% ABV
June Shine - Hawaiian Poi Dog - POG Hard Kombucha
Zoiglhaus - Lime Leaf Kolsch - Kolsch ale