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Point Blank Distributing Showcase: St. Vitus Day & End Of Showcase

Well this marks the end of our June showcase with Point Blank Distributing! What an amazing month. To help celebrate the final day, we are bringing in Weihenstephan Vitus Weissbock!

"Also known as “Weizenbock,” this German wheat beer is brewed with Bavarian Wheat or Hefeweizen ale yeast, yet it’s stronger in alcohol and flavor character than a standard Hefeweizen or Dunkelweizen and exhibits abundant malt sweetness balanced by clove spiciness and fruity-banana esters. Translated as “wheat-strong,” Weizenbock shouldn’t be confused with Bock, the German strong lager. Weizenbock can be pale or dark in color, with darker versions often exhibiting dark malt character, including caramel, chocolate or roasty notes."

Along with Weihenstephan Vitus, we will also have a plethora of Point Blank beers on draft to help send off an amazing a incredibly fun month! Thank you to each and everyone of you for coming out and having fun with us!