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August Distribution Showcase Is With Upstanding Beer And Cider Distribution!

We are honored to welcome Upstanding Distribution to Belmont Station as our August Distributor Showcase Month!

Upstanding Distribution started back in 2016 as on off shoot of Shelton Brothers Importers from the East Coast. One of the original owners brought the brands to the West Coast as one of the biggest importers of world famous brands such as Cantillon and Drie Fonteinen. In 2020, banks forced Shelton Brothers to close but because Shelton Brothers on the West Coast was a separate entity, they were able to pivot and rebrand as Upstanding Beer And Cider Distribution and move focus to more local and statewide brands.

Upstanding's model is: "We are a locally owned independent Portland based beer and cider distributor. We cover the entire state, proudly providing end to end customer service and bringing Oregon the finest local, national, and international craft beers, ciders and in between."

These days, Upstanding is still responsible for bringing some of the biggest imports around as well as holding a serious focus on local beer and cider.

We have a bunch of really special events planned with them this month, so be on the lookout for info on them as we progress into August.