The amazing beers are now available in 375mL bottles!! Click the link for more info about The Ale Apothecary!!
New Beer:
The Ale Apothecary Sauvie - A new addition to our annual brewing schedule, Sauvie is made of Mecca Grade Vanora and Rye malts and dry-hopped exclusively with crystal hops grown by Sauvie Island Hops. We are fortuntate to get their entire hand-harvested crop every year, enough to make about 5 small batches of beer. Approachable and complex, the slight spiciness from the rye intertwines with the hop and yeast aromatics.
The Ale Apothecary Carpe Diem Manana - CDM receives a healthy amount of last years’ hops, but it retains a balance between acid, bitterness, and malt without tasting like an IPA. Our yeast character in combination with the bitterness and malty profile tell the tale of this oddly-inspired beer.
The Ale Apothecary Field Spirits - Field Spirits is a dark rye wild ale aged in fresh wine barrels. Deep complexity from the use of the rye and the vinous character from the wine barrels. This is a new release!
The Ale Apothecary La Tache - Made with the same ingredients as Sahalie but brewed differently, (TBFKA) La Tache is our lightest and most approachable beer. Hops are used only for aromatics (hop-back and dry-hopping) so the beer is balanced with the acidity produced by our proprietary house cultures of yeast and bacteria. Silver medal winner at Oregon Beer Awards.
The Ale Apothecary El Cuatro - El Cuatro is made of local barley and crystal malts as well as aged hops, but El Cuatro is aged in both brandy barrels as well as Oregon pinot noir barrels. The combination of spirit and wine along with our house yeast culture is the focus of this beer.
The Ale Apothecary Sahalie - Our flagship brand made of local Oregon barley malt & wheat. Last year’s crop of Oregon Cascade hops are added to the boil copper for bitterness and in oak barrels for dry-hopping. This beer won us a Gold Medal in the 2018 Brussels Beer Challenge!
The Ale Apothecary Ralph - Made of local barley and crystal malts, Ralph get aged hops and white fir needles added to the boil copper. Aged in fresh wine barrels with another dose of white fir needles prior to packaging, the signature characteristics of this beer come from the white fir, the fresh wine barrels, and our yeast culture.
The Ale Apothecary Sahati - Inspired by the Finnish brew known as sahti, our Sahati is a variation on this ancient beverage. Brewed with Mecca Grade Vanora and rye malts, aged Cascade hops from Goschie Farms, and our own yeast culture and house sour wort, Sahati gets resin and citrus notes from spruce branches harvested on brewery property.